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Undergraduate & Graduate Funding

Study and research funding for undergraduate and graduate students wanting to further their marine-based education. 

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Student Opportunities 

Type: Annual Scholarships and Internships
Number of Scholarships/Fellowships: 37+


NOAA is a renown agency dedicated to predicting weather and climate patterns as well as conducting conservation and coastal management efforts. Each year they offer scholarships and fellowships to college students wanting to advance their education in marine science. 


NOAA Program: Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program 

NOAA’s Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program is a special scholarship which encourages women, with an emphasis on women of color, to receive their masters degree or doctorate in a marine-related field. 


Opportunities for (Dependant on Scholarship): 

  • Graduate students

  • Undergraduate students

  • College-age women

  • College-age minority students


Academy of Underwater Arts and Sciences - Scholarships

Type: Annual Scholarships

Number of Scholarships: 2

The AUAS is a non-profit that recognizes accomplished pioneers and explorers of the underwater world in academia. They offer the Zale Perry Scholarship and a Diving Medicine Scholarship for two graduate students wanting to further their marine education. 


Opportunity for: 

  • Graduate students


Divers Institute of Technology - Grants, Scholarships, Financial Aid

Type: Monthly, Annually 

Number of Scholarships and Grants: 10+ 


The Divers Institute of Technology provides advanced commercial diving training to those wanting to pursue underwater technical jobs in the marine industry. On their website you can find numerous ways to receive financial aid, scholarships, and grants to participate in their programs. 


Opportunities for: 

  • Enrolled DIT students



Marine Technology Society - Marine Studies Scholarships

Type: Annual, Multiple

Number of Scholarships: 11


The MTS works to fund senior high school students, undergraduates, and post-graduate students who have been accepted into full-time marine technology, engineering, or science programs through many scholarship opportunities. 


Opportunities for: 

  • MTS Members (Yearly $25 fee)

  • Full-time graduates or undergraduates currently enrolled


ABC Humane Wildlife - Women in STEM Academic Scholarship

Type: Annual, multiple awardees 

Number of Scholarships: 1


ABC Humane Wildlife Inc. aims to fund 9 women in their academic pursuits of preserving biodiversity through science, technology, mathematics, or engineering in response to the underrepresentation of women in the scientific field. Each awardee will receive $1,000 and can apply with a short essay. 


Opportunities for: 

  • Currently enrolled college students

  • Women only 



Marine Aquarium Societies of North America - Student Scholarship Program

Type: Annual

Number of Scholarships: 2


MASNA is a non-profit organization composed of marine aquarium societies and individual hobbyists from North America and abroad, totaling several thousand individuals. Each year they provide scholarships to university students looking to pursue a career in the marine or aquarist field.


Opportunities for: 

  • Current or entering undergraduate students

  • Current or entering graduate students 



National Ocean Sciences Bowl - National Ocean Scholar Program

Type: Annual

Number of Scholarships: 1-5


As a program of the Consortium for Ocean Leadership, NOSB has recognized and rewarded student achievement by providing scholarships to up to five students per year who plan to pursue degrees in ocean science or a related science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) field. 

Opportunities for: 

  • NOSB Participants

  • High School Seniors 



Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

Type: Continuous, Seasonal

Number of Scholarships: 3,000+


The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship supports American students with limited financial means. This scholarship enables students to study or intern in an international setting which is inherent to their studies and careers.


Opportunities for: 

  • US Citizens

  • Undergraduate Students



The Boyd N. Lyon Scholarship

Type: Annual

Number of Scholarships: 1


This scholarship was created in honor of environmentalist and researcher Boyd N. Lyon, who studied sea turtles and advocated for research tactics that did not use nets. This award gives a graduate-level student or higher $2,500 to pursue sea turtle research.


Opportunity for: 

  • Graduate or PhD Students 



Many of these opportunities are offered annually! If the deadline has passed, check back to see if you can apply the following year.


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